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MCP module gives you the feeling of a real Boeing 737-800/900 NGX/U autopilot device with all its features. The unit is 100% compatible with Prepar3d, Msfs and Xplane simulators with Gflight software developed by Gflight engineers.

Product features:

  • Adjustable backlight,

  • A/B warning digit flashing on the IAS/MACH display,

  • BANK ANGLE function operated by the HEADING button,

  • The SPD INT key is functional,

  • ALT INT key is functional,

  • Functional Flight Director Switch in front of both the captain and co-pilot,

  • Functional MA warning beacon in front of both captain pilot and co-pilot,

  • Aluminium body in original cockpit colour.

You can manage your flight with all buttons on the module. N1, SPEED, FD1 and 2, AT, LVLCHG, VNAV, HDGSEL, APP, VORLOC, LNAV, ALTHLD, V/S, CMDA and B, CWSA and B, DISENGAGE, COURSE 1 and 2, IAS/MACH, HEADING, ALTITUDE, BANK ANGLE, SPD INT, INT ALT and VERTICAL SPEED. The module is compatible with PMDG Boeing 737-800/900 NGX/U in all PREPAR3d v4+, v5+, v6+, Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) Steam Edition, MS Store Edition simulators and ZIBO MODE in Xplane simulators.


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19.999₺ (VAT INCLUDED)

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